Thursday, December 23, 2010

Shaki Suni

It was inevitable. There are over 2 million street dogs in Santiago -- we couldn't go long without one of pawing it's way into our hearts and home. I was walking outside the embassy with a friend and this furry dirty little mutt comes up and it was love at first sight. She followed us for a few blocks and I swear she looked up at me and said, "You don't realize this but you are my mama and you are taking me home." So of course I had to obey. But I actually took her first to a vet to get all cleaned up. Then had to face the wrath of Fredy for bringing her home. She is a little sweetie. She has some bad habits that we need to break, but we think we will be able to because she tries really hard to understand. So, it is my pleasure to introduce to you Shaki Suni.


  1. hi, just found your blog and will add you to my blogroll. I'm starting A100 in January with my husband and 2 kids. I was an exchange student in Chile many moons ago so I'll enjoy reading about your adventures.

  2. Hi Bfiles, congrats on starting A-100! I hope you love every minute of it!
